LQA Symposium, Sept 2017, Zurich


LQA Symposium, Sept 2017, Zurich Download Agenda

Place: Renaissance Zurich Tower Hotel, Switzerland
Time: Thursday, 28 Sept 2017, 9 a.m. to 5:45 p.m.

Topic: Centralization as opportunity – Holistic quality assurance in translation management

The consolidation of previously decentralized structures is a process that is increasingly also being adopted by the language departments in large international corporations and groups. The more local the established processes were, the more complex the restructuring efforts will be in connection with centralization.

The introduction of strategies and technologies aimed at streamlining operations are often both a blessing and a curse for those involved. Among other things, new workflows have to be defined and decisions taken on how dynamic or rigid these workflows should be, or which new areas of competence are needed for the new tasks.

In most cases, language departments are required to implement corporate centralization strategies later than other departments. This can create completely new opportunities because at this later stage management executives are usually much more open to buying new technologies and services or approving appropriate budgets. If handled skillfully, this point in time can turn out to be a key moment and a real opportunity to establish holistic translation management in which translation quality is the guiding principle at all levels.
The topic of the fourth LQA Symposium focuses on which components are essential for the holistic management of translation quality and which approaches, methods and tools are needed to adequately address quality-relevant aspects before, during and after the translation process. Speakers include experts from business and science as well as decision-makers from international language departments who have successfully implemented centralization strategies and have declared quality a priority.

The speakers will

  • present risk management methods that form the basis for integrative quality assurance
  • explain the key arguments behind successfully applying for quality assurance budgets
  • demonstrate which additional possibilities life cycle timing, workflow design and source text preparation offer for preventive quality assurance
  • examine the components terminology, TM maintenance and TM cleaning from the perspective of holistic quality assurance
  • discuss the latest research developments in the areas of translation verification and which criteria industrial language technologies have to fulfill for future-proof quality concepts

All the experts are agreed that translation quality is to be viewed as a multi-layered concept that includes a product-specific, a process-specific and a social dimension (refer to Abdallah 2012, Jääskeläinen 2016:90) and that the complexity of overlapping industrial language quality requirements can only be mastered by taking into account the holistic interplay of all three dimensions.

Abdallah, Kristiina (2012): “Translators in Production Networks: Reflections in Agency, Quality and Ethics.” University of Eastern Finland (Diss.).

Jääskeläinen, Riitaa (2016): “Quality and Translation Process Research”, In: Martín, Ricardo Muñoz (ed.): Reembedding Translation Process Research. John Benjamins Publishing Company


Dr. Germán Basterra, Translation Manager, Nestlé GLOBE
„Centralization as chance: translation quality within the content lifecycle„

Martina Bellodi, Leiterin Sprachendienst, Die Schweizerische Post
„Lieferanten zu Partnern machen: Ein interner Sprachdienst und sein Vendorenmanagement“

On the day before the LQA Symposium 2017 Zurich, the LQA Best Practices 2017 Zurich will take place.